How to give your opinion in French

In 3 Minute French — Course 1, we learn a handy way to give your opinion in French, but what other ways are there?

Kieran Ball
3 min readJun 24, 2023

In lesson 3 of the first 3 Minute French course, we learn the phrase “pour moi”. Initially, we learn that it means “for me”, however, a little later on, we discover that you can use “pour moi” as a way of giving your opinion.

In English, we don’t tend to say things like, “For me, it’s good”, but in French, you do. It’s very common to say, “pour moi” followed by a statement that reveals your opinion. Because of the fact that we don’t really use “for me” in this way in English, we can translate it into English using “I think” or “in my opinion”.

  • Pour moi, c’est bon I think it’s good / In my opinion, it’s good
  • Pour moi, ça c’est fantastique I think that is fantastic
  • Pour moi, la nourriture est terrible In my opinion, the food is terrible
  • Pour moi, tout est parfait I think everything is perfect
  • Pour moi, la musique est trop forte I think the music is too loud

I think it’s here

Now, whilst you can use “pour moi” to give your opinion on something, and you can translate it into…



Kieran Ball

Teacher and creator of 3 Minute Languages — a series of books and online courses that help you to learn a foreign language quickly and easily