Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
I hope everybody has a very merry Christmas tomorrow, and I’d like to thank you all again for being so supportive of all things 3 Minute Languages in 2018. I’ll be busy adding to the course selection over the next few weeks with new courses in all languages coming soon.
In the meantime, let’s have a look at how to say Merry Christmas in the different languages you can learn with 3 Minute Languages.
Joyeux Noël — Merry Christmas
You could also say, “Je te souhaite un joyeux Noël”, which means “I wish you a merry Christmas”
There are lots of phrases that contain the word “Noël”
Père Noël — Father Christmas
un sapin de Noël — a Christmas tree
le réveillon de Noël — Christmas eve
un chant de Noël — a Christmas carol (Also the name of the book written by Charles Dickens)
un cadeau de Noël — a Christmas present
Feliz Navidad — Merry Christmas
The word “Navidad” literally means “Nativity”
You could also say, “Te deseo una Feliz Navidad”, which means “I wish you a merry Christmas”
There are lots of phrases that contain the word “Navidad”
un árbol de Navidad — a Christmas tree
un regalo de Navidad — a Christmas present
un adorno de Navidad — a Christmas ornament
una tarjeta de Navidad — a Christmas card
Some other Christmassy words are:
La Nochebuena — Christmas Eve
Papá Noel — Father Christmas
un villancico — a Christmas carol
Frohe Weihnachten — Merry Christmas
You could also say, “Ich wünsche dir frohe Weihnachten”, which means “I wish you a merry Christmas”
The word “Weihe” means “hallow” or “holy” in German, and the word “Nacht” means “night”, so really “Weihnachten” means “Holy Night”
There are lots of phrases that contain the word “Weihnachten”
Weihnachtsmann — Father Christmas (literally, Christmas man)
ein Weihnachtsbaum — a Christmas tree
Weihnachtsabend — Christmas eve
ein Weihnachtslied — a Christmas carol
ein Weihnachtsgeschenk — a Christmas present
eine Weihnachtskarte — a Christmas card
Buon Natale — Merry Christmas
You could also say, “Ti auguro un buon Natale”, which means “I wish you a merry Christmas”
There are lots of phrases that contain the word “Natale”
Babbo Natale — Father Christmas
un albero di Natale — a Christmas tree
la vigilia di Natale — Christmas eve
un regalo di Natale — a Christmas present
una cartolina di Natale — a Christmas card
Feliz Natal — Merry Christmas
You could also say, “desejo-te um feliz Natal”, which means “I wish you a merry Christmas”
There are lots of phrases that contain the word “Natal”
uma árvore de Natal — a Christmas tree
a véspera de Natal — Christmas eve
um conto de Natal — a Christmas carol
um cartão de Natal — a Christmas card
The newest language in the 3 Minute Language range is Dutch. Currently, the courses are only available as books on Amazon, but I will be turning them into audio courses in 2019.
Vrolijk kerstfeest — Merry Christmas
You could also say, “ik wens je een vrolijk kerstfeest”, which means “I wish you a merry Christmas”
The word “kerst” means “Christ” in Dutch, and the word “feest” means “feast”
There are lots of phrases that contain the word “kerst”
Kerstman — Father Christmas
een kerstboom — a Christmas tree
Kerstavond — Christmas eve
een kerstlied — a Christmas carol
een kerstcadeau — a Christmas present
een kerstkaart — a Christmas card
Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, what traditions do you have? And how do you say “Merry Christmas” in your language?
I hope you all have a wonderful time
Kieran :-)